Brochures & Data Sheets
Depending on the desired product, two available configurations, SH81 and SH82, acquire perfectly co-registered image data with equal resolution in panchromatic, color and color-infrared. The improved data throughput of the Control Unit CU80 facilitates simultaneous data acquisition of imagery for photogrammetry and remote sensing applications, offering you maximum flexibility.
camera concept. No aircraft modification is required. The PAV30 continues Leica Geosystems’ tradition of solutions for precise information from imagery by people who make a difference. Leica Geosystems is committed to excellence in design, combining high performance with long-term reliability.
The complete data acquisition system delivers small-scale or large-scale images with high-quality resolution at engineering-scale accuracy – supplying images
with ground resolutions of less than four centimeters (1.5 inches). The modular system consists of state-of-the-art components centered on frame sensor
technology and solid-state data storage to enhance all aspects of the digital workflow. The reliability and accuracy of the DMC exceeds the level of expectation
for the industry – ensuring high geometric and radiometric resolution. The system delivers images digitally, enabling direct production of a wide range of mapping
and image analysis deliverables, including orthophotos, digital terrain models (DTMs), and more.
flight data storage (FDS) and solid state disks (SSD) DMC configurations. This data copy functionality is an essential part of the DMC workflow.
Our solution allows you to select a variety of different media, ranging from removable disk drives and external drives to the latest tape technology.
The FDS Copy Station and SSD Readout Station are more than just field copy devices. They have enough computing power and storage to start image post-processing in the field if needed.
Intergraph® empowers you to take highly accurate images even in challenging flight conditions. The gyrostabilized digital mount compensates for the roll, pitch, and yaw of the aircraft. You can use it with Intergraph’s Digital Mapping Camera (DMC®), the RMK TOP and several other sensors, including small-format digital cameras or light detection and ranging (LIDAR) systems. Additionally, Z/I Mount’s digital control ensures precise operation, whether running in standalone mode or under the control of an inertial measurement unit (IMU).
mission planning and reporting. Z/I Mission can interface with Z/I InFlight and T-Flight, Z/I Imaging Digital Mapping Camera (DMC®) Post Processing Software (PPS), and DMC Image Analyst (DIA)
software. In addition, Z/I Mission has the ability to produce AFL file output and will automatically create and populate the project files for Intergraph’s ImageStation® suite of photogrammetry production software. From creating initial flight plans to generating reports and indices for the final exposures, Z/I Mission provides a rich data environment that can access any geo-referenced raster backdrop, vector mapping data, and digital orthophotos for flight planning. This mission planning system addresses functions such as flying a particular azimuth, planning the most efficient mission for a region of interest, 3D mission planning, and more.
camera mount, different external global positioning system (GPS) receivers, and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) systems for direct georeferencing. Z/I Inflight simplifies aircraft camera installation by integrating several peripheral devices into one ruggedized small form factor, reducing the number of units and cables in the aircraft.
requirements of engineering mapping and remote sensing tasks. With a much lower price point when compared to large-format cameras, more organizations will be able to take advantage of the
most advanced imaging technology available. Intergraph recognized the market need for a truly high-quality medium format digital camera and developed the RMK D to fill this gap. The resulting RMK D medium format digital camera utilizes the technology gained from our experience developing and building highly accurate digital cameras along with the extremely high quality lens production of Carl Zeiss.
• RMK TOP 1 S camera body with; PLEOGON A3 4/1 S3 wide-angle lens or;
• RMK TOP 30 camera body with; TOPAR A3 S.6/30S normal-angle lens;
• T·CU central control unit with; microprocessor;
• T· TL terminal for camera operation; and monitoring;
• T·MC film magazine with FMC; •
T·AS gyro-stabilized suspension or;
• T·AL suspension mount
environment for a photogrammetric triangulation workflow. The image point coordinates generated by ISDM can be used directly or formatted by the ImageStation Photogrammetric Manager (ISPM) for input into one of the Z/I-supported and third-party triangulation packages. Flexible, window-based image display of multiple images provides efficient transfer and measurement of points in multi-overlap regions. The use of autocorrelation and on-line integrity checks improves accuracy, increases productivity, and increases reliability. The accessibility of the image enhancement and image manipulation functions greatly assists the operator in performing the mensuration task.
data, elevation points, breaklines, and other geomorphologic features in stereo models on an ImageStation Z, ImageStation Stereo Softcopy Kit (SSK). ISDC can also be used to edit existing DTM data. Real-time dynamic editing allows the user to see what effect the edits have on the contours or TIN surface immediately. ISDC uses a feature table to define geomorphic features and acts as a front-end for the ImageStation Automatic Elevation (ISAE) product.
environment for a photogrammetric triangulation workflow. The image point coordinates generated by ISDM can be used directly or formatted by the ImageStation Photogrammetric Manager (ISPM) for input into one of the Z/I-supported and third-party triangulation packages. Flexible, window-based image display of multiple images provides efficient transfer and measurement of points in multi-overlap regions. The use of autocorrelation and on-line integrity checks improves accuracy, increases productivity, and increases reliability. The accessibility of the image enhancement and image manipulation functions greatly assists the operator in performing the mensuration task.
addresses three key needs in the orthophoto production pipeline: to systematically inspect/quality control images, perform raster edits, and enhance orthophoto images and mosaic tiles. Combining all these finishing tools into one package and tailoring them for production results in a streamlined orthophoto finishing process.
ImageStation PixelQue increases the throughput and efficiency of orthophoto production by using an efficient, semi-automatic quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) review and edit process, thus reducing the time and cost factors of a project.
Project and Data Management
– ImageStation Photogrammetric Manager – Photogrammetric data management tools required for a production workflow
– ImageStation Model Setup – Photogrammetric measurement for smooth, real-time, stereo model measurement
– ImageStation Digital Mensuration – Powerful multi-image point transfer and measurement environments for photogrammetric triangulation
– ImageStation Automatic Triangulation – Fully automated aerial triangulation from interior orientation to the determination of tie points to the final block adjustment
– ImageStation Stereo Display – Display and manipulation of stereo imagery with photogrammetrically accurate 3D cursor tracking, stereo vector superimposition,
– ImageStation Feature Collection – Low-cost, easy-to-use map feature data collection product that provides tools for interactively collecting map feature geometry (2D and 3D)
– ImageStation Stereo for GeoMedia – Interactive 2D and 3D feature collection and attribution from aerial or satellite mono/stereo images for map revision/updating based on GeoMedia®
– ImageStation DTM Collection – Interactive tools for collecting digital terrain model (DTM) data, elevation points, breaklines, and other geomorphologic features in stereo models
to display and manipulate stereo imagery with photogrammetrically accurate 3D cursor tracking, stereo vector superimposition, stereo roam, image contrast, and brightness adjustments. The product is based on GeoMedia Professional 6.0, which supplies the tools for interactively collecting and updating map 2D and 3D feature geometry and attributes from aerial or satellite mono/stereo images. Data collected using our feature collection software is used in geospatial applications and map revisions while collected geospatial features are stored in open databases
so they can be easily accessed and used by third-party GIS systems.
system (GIS) environment for viewing, analysis, and presentation – with no translation required. GeoMedia prevents problems resulting from redundant and out-of-date data, since all users
access geographic information from a single source. GeoMedia’s data server technology supports open industry standards, enabling direct access to all major geospatial/CAD data formats and to
industry-standard relational databases.
– Instant access to geospatial imagery across all decision-support systems including desktop, intranet,and Internet
– Accurate, up-to-date imagery and metadata available across the enterprise – giving end users quick access with little effort
– Comprehensive enterprise solution for managing unstructured geospatial content
– Real-time access to geospatial imagery regardless of size, resolution, or native coordinate system
The Z/I Mouse provides photogrammetrists with an easy-to-use and precise manner to input data without the need for a digitizing surface since digitizing technology is incorporated throughout the entire mouse design. Using accelerated data input capabilities, users increase efficiencies in operations while eliminating repeated clutch motions – reducing some of the tedious work associated with current digitizing processes.
In some cases, pressurized Turboprop or Jet driven airplanes are in use. Flights executed at high altitudes producing small scale aerial photography images.
Technical problems in the entire workflow show up commonly at high altitudes. Not only caused operating an aircraft in FL150 and higher, also related to the image quality (haze and atmospheric influences) and image accuracies later on in processing. Most image accuracy related problems are cause in air pressure and temperature.
Vexcel Imaging Ultracam:
Vexcel UltraCam Merlin 4.1 [2010] data sheet
Vexcel UltraCam Merlin 4.1 [3020] data sheet
Vexcel UltraCam Dragon 4.1 data sheet & RIEGL VQ-680 data sheet
Vexcel Ultracam Eagle 4.1 DataSheet
Vexcel Osprey Mark 3 Premium DataSheet
Vexcel Ultranav V7 Brochure
RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems:
FJ Dynamics (FJDynamics)
FJD Trion AM150A Medium Format Aerial Camera– FJDynamics
Trion-O1- Oblqiue AerialMapper–-FJDynamics
Zeiss Aerial Cameras
Zeiss RMK A 60 Manual
Zeiss NT2 Navigation Telescope Manual (NavSight)
will be continued
H.J.Tiziani, Inst.f.Techn.Optik, Uni Stuttgart: Über den Einfluss der Umweltbedingungen auf die Verzeichnung von Luftbildkammern / influence of environmental conditions on the distortion of aerial survey cameras
MEIER, HANS-KARSTEN (1972c): Über den Einfluss von Flugzeug-Abschlussgläsern auf die Verzeichnung von Luftbildkammern.
(Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. GERHARD LEHMANN, Institut für Photogrammetrie und Ingenieurvermessungen, Technische Universität Hannover, 1972, S. 111-121.)
MEIER, HANS-KARSTEN (1975a): Über den Einfluss der Umweltbedingungen auf die Verzeichnung von Luftbildkammern. BuL, 1975, Heft 2, S. 69-73.
will be continued