NOTE: all listed Topcon equipment below is in factory new conditions.


*all sold*4

Mobile Mapping System
Complete with 3
Laser scanners
Incl. 3x Laser scanners, 225.000 pts/s, GPS, IMU, 3D video image with GIS Database, 360° video with positional info while driving camera vector, active linkage with GIS software    (link) topcon_logo
Laser Scanner
Long-Range 500m, 30.000 points/second, 4mm accuracy @ 150m, built-in Digital Camera, ScanMaster CAD link software, WiFi   (link)  topcon_logo
Total Station
Single LCD Touch screen, Bluetooth, 18 hours battery life, IP65, dual axis compensator, 4.000m EDM prism range    (link)  topcon_logo
Total Station
Single LCD Touch screen, Bluetooth, 36 hours battery life, IP66, dual axis compensator, 4.000m EDM prism range    (link)  topcon_logo
Total Station
Single LCD Touch screen, Bluetooth, 9 hours battery life, IP54, dual axis compensator, 3.100m EDM prism range, 2 second accuracy  topcon_logo
Digital Theodolite
5-Second Accuracy, 26x Magnification, Optical Plummet, Waterproof & Dustproof, 140-Hour Battery Life  topcon_logo
Digital Theodolite
9-Second Accuracy, 26x Magnification, Optical Plummet, Waterproof & Dustproof, 140-Hour Battery Life.  topcon_logo
GPS Systems
226 Channels, Vanguard Technology™, Single scrubbing Fence Antenna®, RTK, 100Hz, build in radio & cellular, dual-batteries    (link)  topcon_logo
Digital Levels
one button measurement & data storage, 0.6mm accuracy, advanced RAB Code Technology, Pre-installed Measurement Programs  topcon_logo
Digital Levels
one button measurement & data storage, 0.8mm accuracy, advanced RAB Code Technology, pre-installed measurement programs  topcon_logo
Optical Level
20cm minimum focusing distance, 0,7mm accuracy, pendulum compensator with magnetic damping   system, two-speed focusing knob  topcon_logo
Optical Level
20cm minimum focusing distance, 2mm accuracy, pendulum compensator with magnetic damping   system, one-speed focusing knob  topcon_logo



-> Products for aerial surveyors. (used aerial mapping cameras, LiDAR and airborne sensors)