20. September 2017 aerialsurveybase Ollie

in front of Intergeo – new aerial sensor from Vexcel – Ultracam Eagle M3

Vexcel Ultracam Eagle M3

The new Eagle Mark 3 comes with outstanding 26,460 x 17,004 pixel = ca. 450 Megapixel.

Vexcel Ultracam Eagle UCE

Vexcel Ultracam Eagle UCE


Its favorable b/h ratio, Outstanding signal/noise ratio (SNR) and the further improved frame rate makes this Eagle M3 to the new flagship of Vexcel.

  • 4 exchangeable lens systems available (f 80, 100, 120, 210 mm)
  • pan-sharpening ratio of 1:3
  • improved frame rate  of 1,5 seconds
  • proven TDI forward motion compensation


The Ultracam Eagle M3 is included in our GSD calculator, download here.

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