3. Januar 2025 aerialsurveybase Ollie

GSD Calculator 5.52 & news for 2025

GSD Calculator v5.52 with Leica DMC updates, FJDynamics & personal news

GSD Calculator v5.52 introducing FJDynamics

Yanning from FJDynamics informed me about their developments in aerial photography.
FJD is very active in the field of precision farming. Now they are introducing their medium format aerial sensor.
They also have an oblique camera in their program.

Carrying four oblique RGB cameras and one nadir camera, 150 MP each, Trion O1 captures photogrammetric images of superior quality, resolution, and c​larity.
It is by far one of FJD’s most efficient all-in-one solutions for wide-area mapping and 3D city modeling.
it comes with

  • FJD Pilot – flight control and navigation
  • FJD Capture – camera control
  • FJD Plan – flight plan design
  • Applanix IMU type 46 (MEMS)
  • fit in GSM gyro stabilized mount

FJDynamics also provide a variety of GNSS RTK systems and a SLAM based LiDAR system including point cloud processing software.

FJD Trion O1 oblique aerial sensor | DataSheet | Website
FJD Trion AM150A medium format aerial camera | DataSheet | Website
[updated on 09JAN2025 | DataSheets]


Leica DMC-4 models 4W and 4X included.

The DMC models 4S & 4H (both 31,520 x 13,440) were already integrated. Now you can also find the 4W (40,000 x 8,320) and 4X (54,400 x 8,320).
The variants based on the successful Leica MFC-150 backlight illuminated CMOS sensor.

DOWNLOAD your free copy of GSD Calculator  here

personal update:

As many of you know, I’ve been working at Prosoz for some time now, helping state and municipal authorities in the construction and environmental protection sectors (building authorities, heritage authorities, regulatory agencies and environmental authorities) with the transformation to digital workflows. We have really fantastic software products for this area and are the market leader in Germany.

In spring 2025, however, I will be switching back to the surveying sector. I’m really looking forward to getting back to working with state-of-the-art hardware, high technology close to the limits of what is physically possible. Here I can contribute my experience, but also learn a lot, especially in the fields of high-precision positioning, inertial navigation and many other fields. This is particularly important to me. I will keep you informed in due course.

Reminder-Note: from version 5.49 on I’ve  changed the indication of the available resolution for Bayer pattern.

  • CCD-Type designator for Bayer-pattern CCD replaced to reduce disadvantages for manufacturers using Bayer-pattern sensors.
    The term „50% usable resolution“ it removed from Bayer-pattern driven sensors.
    The changed designation is similar to the use of the term „True GSD“ a few years ago and may put some manufacturers at a disadvantaged position in certain circumstances.
  • I will comment on this „resolution issue“ in the blog when the opportunity comes.


Dr. Karsten Jacobsen, Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation at the University of Hanover presented a comparison of „GSD versus true GSD“ and why specially designed camera optics, such as those used in the Intergraph Z/I Imaging DMC, result in much better image quality and geometric accuracy than systems using off-the-shelf optics.

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