8. Februar 2023 aerialsurveybase Ollie

aerial survey industry is changing rapidly

photogrammetry - a market with plenty of opportunities, but also with many risks.

„Low margins, difficult tendering practices, lack of transparency regarding quality, staff shortages and bureaucratic hurdles pose challenges for the industry – despite highly increasing demand.“

The well-known German magazine „BUSINESS GEOMATICS“ recently published a good article about the situation of the German (European) aerial survey companies.
The author has given a very good summary of the almost unsolvable problems of the industry.

There is general helplessness in the industry how to break this Gordian knot.

Companies even stop their business operations – not because of the financial situation, but because of a lack of entrepreneurial future perspective in the face of the current market conditions.

That was also the reason why I had scaled back my business 3 years ago. I am all the more surprised that world-famous, renowned and traditional companies, such as GEOCART Herten, are ceasing their business operations due to a lack of future prospects. GEOCART was known for decades of good work, Cheyenne turboprop & C402, delivery of the first Eagle, LiDAR etc. This is a big loss – and I think that unfortunately is just the beginning.


read here automated translated article (English)
read here the original (German)

By the way, in the article you can see a nicely equipped Diamond DA-62 cockpit with all the bells and whistles including IGI’s CCNS 5 flight management system.


Backlink  Airborne Sensor Operators Group (ASOG)

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