30. Juni 2019 aerialsurveybase Ollie

some news from both me and aerial-survey-base

„Leading a business is similar to flying a survey plane.

It’s not a matter of whether turbulence will occur, it’s a question of when.
Fly enough, and you’ll experience disturbances.
Be in business long enough, and you’ll experience turmoil.“     [Peter Herms, † 2019]

After 17 succesful years with aerial-survey-base, I decided to go for a new challenge.

I love aerial-survey-base – our team, our clients, our industry and of course, our mission – but feel like it’s time for me to focus on new challenges,
some former side project that has the potential to change and improve the way of people communicate.

While this isn’t goodbye, this is likely my last aerial-survey-base post and newsletter for the next months.
I owe you a really giant Thank You for the 17 incredible years where we’ve grown (and grown up, in my case) together, and of course 35 years within an industry focussing impressive technologies .

I’m not a geek’s geek, I just like helping really good people all over the world to work smarter and more efficient … and you all have been such great people. I mean that.

I do hope we can all get a chance to work together again soon.

I’ll continue to take care for the GSD Calculator and maintenance.

As a consequence of new challenges, aerial-survey-base wrapped up existing projects during the reporting year and will not take on any new projects until end of 2019.


Effective: 01JUL2019